The basic metrics that brands supply to low-cost digital advertising channels can certainly help publishers understand performance.This includes the visibility and legality of advertisements, brand protection, fraud prevention, legacy strategies, and measurement criteria for cheap digital ad space that don’t provide the most telling features about audience response compared to recent innovations.
The rise of programmatic advertising requires publishers to have greater control over inventory, while transparency with advertising partners is one of the industry’s critical issues. So let’s take a closer look at how publishers can maximize inventory and drive more competitive programmatic ad sales in a fierce marketplace.
How to increase advertising revenue:
To address increasing demand and fierce competition, influential publishers employ dynamic pricing methods that incorporate in-depth analysis of ad space bids and learn how to rate per device, content category, type of bid, advertiser, and other parameters. Setting minimum pricing rules for advertising revenue can increase if publishers continually analyze their offers for ad space and create opportunities to develop a minimum price. The article deals with the essential aspects of inventory measurement and optimization per session; sale promotion, repeat, referral, and inbound traffic. These are four ways publishers can maximize programmatic ad revenue.
1. Separate Priority Metrics From Something Trivial So That They:
- The case for a goal or obstacle
- Optimize strategic goals or outcomes and pinpoint obstacles or impediments
- Are actionable and are automatically tested

2. Optimize Ad Inventory Per Session To Double Or Triple Ad Inventory And Revenue:
- Design and test alternative story layouts and prefer larger ad formats that command a higher cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
- Use the default pagination for longer stories (or story comments)
- Increase content per story (and session time) with image galleries, videos, surveys, or comments
3. Optimize Ad Sales:
- Sell digital ads as you would print and fill the rest of the ad space with promotions from the same ad network
- Test and combine multiple ad sales channels by selling digital ads directly to customers
- Connect with future direct advertisers across multiple networks as they are more likely to return and buy direct ads
4. Optimize Repeat, Referral and Inbound Traffic:
- Use an opt-in subscription to on-going news and alerts via email, push notifications and relevant special promotions
- Share the link publicly
- Develop customer remarketing lists for future campaigns
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