
Why ad relevance is more important than ever?

The old-school method of advertising where consumers were simply bombarded with irrelevant and useless ads retired long ago. And it gave rise to the new era of advertising, where consumers expect customization, relevancy, and privacy. The death of cookies is another major reason why the advertising industry has experienced a drastic change. As consumers now look for more relevant ads to consume, advertisers and publishers continue to shift their advertising strategies and adjust their approach to Contextual Optimization , in order to remain relevant in the race. With changing preferences, relevance has become an essential aspect, as consumers no longer prefer irrelevant ads.

But what doesad relevance actually mean? Well, this simply means how closely an advertising campaign matches a user’s current surroundings. When the news related to the death of third-party cookies was out, advertising technology companies started working on ways to display their ads without hindering users’ privacy. And one of the most effective ways of doing that turned out to be contextual advertising. This basically refers to placing ads on websites that are directly related to the product being offered in the ad. The context of the ad in contextual targeting is closely related to the content. Contextual targeting is regarded as one of the most dominant and effective forms of advertising. Since only relevant ads are put on a website, you can expect a high engagement rate from this advertising technique. Other than the engagement rate, there are a lot of other perks as well that come along with contextual targeting. Let us have a look:

  • Contextual targeting has minimal reliance on personal information, which makes it a safe and preferable system
  • The ads based on this tactic increase revenue significantly since they are effective for specific types of content
  • They add to the value of the content.
  • They are designed for the audience’s interest, which makes them less annoying and more engaging.

In a nutshell, when it comes to ad relevance, the only tactic that would work is contextual advertising. It not only helps in coming up with personalized ad campaigns but is also one of the most updated advertising technologies that is going to dominate the advertising industry in the coming years.

So, if you are planning to adopt this technique and want any professional assistance, then feel free to visit You can also drop an email at, and share your queries and requirements with our experts and optimize your ad campaigns in the most effective manner.